
(Multiguideline Accessibility and Usability Validation Environment) is a system to evaluate accessibility of Web sites by checking their HTML and CSS code through guidelines, which are to be specified through an XML-compliant specification language called L.W.G.D (Language for Web Guideline Definition) that maintains the guidelines separated from the underlying logic. 

MAUVE++ aims to reduce the cost of validation, increase consistency in the identification of the problematic parts, and extend the set of features that can be assessed. It is not able to identify all the possible accessibility problems since in some cases human intervention is necessary for this purpose.Its main features are:

  • Validation separated from guidelines’ definition.
  • Guidelines formalized through an XML language, capable of expressing all the past, present and (virtually) future accessibility guidelines.
  • Browser’s plugin for the validation of dynamically created/modified Web pages. Download MAUVE extension for Chrome Browser.
  • Possibility of analyzing the versions of a web-site specific for certain types of device (e.g. mobile versions, desktop version, etc.).
  • Potentially expandable as a system for continuous monitoring of accessibility of web sites’ sets.
